Media to Awaken and Expand Loving Consciousness
SATYAGRAHA (Sanskrit: सत्याग्रह; satya: "truth", āgraha: "insistence" or "holding firmly to"), or holding firmly to truth, or truth force, is a particular form of nonviolent resistance or civil resistance. ~Wikipedia

River Smith
Author & Non-Violent Activist
A widely published poet and author, River Smith is a community-based psychologist who has written many books, including A Conspiracy to Love and The Power Handbook. A feminist-systems therapist, his clinical work has focused on post-traumatic stress, gender roles, LGBTQ issues and relationship healing. As a former college history instructor and a lifelong resident of The North Coast, River has been a weekly commentator for WCPN-FM (NPR), a guest columnist for The Plain Dealer and a featured writer for The City News. He now writes for Liberation Brew TV and River, a natural rhythm maker, has also performed & collaborated on many musical ventures; live, records, tapes & CDs.

…every person is the right person to act and every moment is the right moment to begin. Jonathan Schell
We are here to make our contribution, and facilitate yours, to a loving revolution that will continue to move humanity towards our natural balance with all the species of our Mother Earth and the larger universe. We believe that the continued expansion of personal growth and healing in a trauma-informed environment, democratic revolution, militant non-volent activism, restorative justice and a non-enemy ethic will together bring us that balance.
We intend to publish, produce, present and promote work that will further this cause.
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